Online Learning
With TLL.360


-    revise materials
-    practise subject-specific skills
-    check and evaluate your progress

This year, Primary 3 to Primary 6 students will receive complimentary access to online learning materials for the subject(s) they are enrolled in with TLL. While TLL.360 materials are not compulsory for your child, we do strongly recommend that your child takes some time to attempt these digital learning modules. This way, our teachers can better assess your child's strengths and weaknesses throughout the year.





Welcome to TLL.360

A virtual space to enhance your child’s learning experience, TLL.360 is where The Learning Lab’s online learning takes place. Powered by Canvas, TLL.360 is the same platform that Ivy League schools and many other world-leading universities are using for online learning. With TLL.360, your child can access all online lessons, learning materials, their homework and more.

We can’t wait to play a part in your child’s learning journey.









Here's How You Login





Login via tll.instructure.com.





Enter your child's Student ID and password.

If your child is logging in for the first time, the default password is the parent’s preferred contact number.

(E.g. If your preferred contact number is 9123 4567, the password would be 91234567)





Click on the "Log In" button.









Take a Tour

Learning on TLL.360

Enjoy easy access to
digital learning modules.


Access notes, practices and quizzes developed in-house by our team of curriculum specialists to complement what your child learns in class.

Materials in TLL.360 are categorised under four study modules: Catch-up, Progress Check, Explore and Goal Setting.


Progress Tracking
with TLL.360

Receive consistent
and data-driven feedback.


TLL.360 allows teachers to track overall progress, number of attempts, analysis of questions, as well as the final assessment grades. 

The more materials your child attempts, the more information teachers will have to assess areas of strength and areas for improvement. 


More In-depth
Analysis and Feedback

Chart your child's progress
throughout the year.


Get a clearer and detailed picture of your child’s performance across different concepts and topics — from the number of attempts on an assignment to your child's
assessment grades.

Quizzes have immediate feedback so students can learn from their mistakes.





Supercharged Learning
on TLL.360

Enjoy easy access to
digital learning modules.


Access notes, practices and quizzes developed in-house by our team of curriculum specialists to complement what your child learns in class.

Materials in TLL.360 are categorised under four study modules: Catch-up, Progress Check, Explore and Goal Setting.

Progress Tracking with TLL.360

Receive consistent
and data-driven feedback.


TLL.360 allows teachers to track overall progress, number of attempts, analysis of questions, as well as the final assessment grades. 

The more learning material your child attempts, the more information teachers will have to assess areas of strength and areas for improvement. 


More In-depth
Analysis and

Chart your child's progress
throughout the year.


Get a clearer and detailed picture of your child’s performance across different concepts and topics — from the number of attempts on an assignment to your child's assessment grades.

Quizzes have immediate feedback so students can learn from their mistakes.



Key Highlights of TLL.360

Easy Access to Zoom Lessons

Your child's online lessons are managed through TLL.360.

A simple navigation on the TLL.360 platform allows your child to retrieve their lesson details — Zoom password, class timings and more, in just a few clicks.

Worksheets and Homework Submission

All worksheets will be made available on TLL.360.

These worksheets are protected by a Digital Rights Management system to prevent unauthorised distribution of our intellectual property.

Supercharged Learning Materials

Access notes, practices and quizzes developed by our team of curriculum specialists that complement your child's learning.

Quizzes have immediate feedback so your child can easily learn from their mistakes.









Have Questions About TLL.360?

Contact us at 6733 8711 or via the live chat.